After Covid-19

Many folks have provided good content about working during the current Pandemic. However, we should also spend some time thinking about the world that will emerge after we go back to work. Here are some thoughts to ponder. 

Work from home:

Most large technology companies are well versed with the notion of working from home, and therefore were amongst the first to send all their non-essential employee’s home. They rely on Cloud-based systems with laptops and mobile devices – making it rather easy to transition to a desk at home. It is likely that many of the smaller companies that still have in-house servers and desktop computers will need to migrate. There are a variety of Cloud-based tools like DocuSign (for signatures) that have become very popular over recent years. It is likely that this whole set of tools will now replace the physical signature. Look for the last holdouts – like some financial and government institutions to make the migration. Tools like Slack, Teams, and Zoom will continue to grow rapidly as they enable collaboration, conferencing, and getting the work done ANYWHERE. 

Employee or contractor:

Do we really need to have categories that differentiate between employees and contractors? We have seen the rapid growth of companies like Uber and Lyft where people work at their preferred time and pace. They get paid based on the results they deliver. Historically many salespeople have been compensated the same way – commission on the sales that they bring in. Similarly, as we look at other roles like Customer Service, there is every reason to believe that huge chunks of that function will also move to a task-based model.

Going to work:

There will be changes in how we work. In addition to some work moving to a home, we will also see more compensation models based on task/activity, as opposed to a standard salary. This will also result in a reduced need for office space. Perhaps the We Work type of shared space providers will do better. Expect to get a lot more questions from employees around reimbursement for their home internet, or desk. While most of us will return to our desks at the office, be ready for enhanced workplace safety considerations – not just disinfect/sanitize the space. Expect a huge investment in enhanced electronic safety making sure that all business is done in a secure manner – irrespective of where people are working. 

Business travel:

when we start traveling again, will the middle seat on a plane be empty? Will we see scanners at airports that automatically check everyone all the time? There are likely to be significant changes to the way we maintain, clean and disinfect. However, it is very clear that we can be very productive working from a desk that is not in the office: video calls will replace a large part of business trips.

E-Commerce and deliveries:

We have heard from our customers. They want to invest in more eCommerce initiatives. They want to build more robust websites and communities with their customers. They want to have that direct relationship. It is critical for most companies to have that connection – and we expect significant investments in those areas.

China dependency:

Business to/from China will be impacted. We saw a change when the US imposed tariffs. A lot of companies went to other parts of Asia. We expect this trend to continue. Look for countries like India and Vietnam to do better. 


During a recent call, our partner in Columbia had internet speed of 0.45MBPS, and the call dropped a couple times. This is a huge productivity issue. Expect to see much more investment in this area. It is going to be critical for most governments – national and local, as they provide their workers with a better work environment.

There are many areas where the TraQiQ team can help – designing, building, migrating and running cloud-based technology platforms that make your team productive, and keep your customers happy. The TraQSuite product can help build out the task-based model for your business. 

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